Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bloom Where You Are Standing

That was the title of a book I read years ago. It reminds me that this is a very important time of year. Everything is being renewed and we should take advantage of the energy surrounding us by making changes and becoming our best selves. Do a little thatching and weeding (get rid of negativity you have been holding onto), do some fertilizing (fill your body with goodness and your mind with potent info), plant some seeds (make new goals) and then move forward with the belief that you will be blossoming in no time with the most incredible fruits and flowers you have ever seen.

Every day is a time for renewal, but during this season we have the benefit of everything around us rejuvenating so it is easier to get into the spirit of change and growth. This year, try planting yourself and see what happens!


Joe said...

Like rotating crops I am looking to replant myself somewhere that I have already been. The soil where I am now is not allowing me to grow, too many weeds. I want to back to the forest where I was a tree

Joe said...

I do not see my last post/reply

Donna said...

Dear Joe, I am not sure if it was lost. I hope it wasn't too important. I have been sick and couldn't answer emails for quite some time. Sorry for that. Hopefully I am on the mend and can respond more efficiently in the future. THanks for understanding, D.

Anonymous said...

Where can you find or read any excepts of the three books you have written. They are not listed on Border or Barnes and Noble sites.

Donna said...

Dear Anonymous, my books were delayed with the economic crises. I was working with Harper Collins but they put me on hold. In time, I am sure I will get something out, but for right now, visit, and you will have lots to read.

If you need more info on any specific subject, write to me at and I will be happy to forward through email. I have many, many things written on specific subjects, and if I don't have anything to help you with, I may still be able to direct you to the many teachers I have learned from.

Thanks for your inquiry and interest! D.

Anonymous said...

Still not finding any books that you have written including mentioning The Rules of Divorce Book and Cheating Book.
I'm also a writer and want to get your slant on both subjects.

Donna said...

Anonymous, The Ten Commandments of Divorce/How to Keep Your Family Together After the Marriage Falls Apart is in layout design with the publisher and will be done with any luck by the end of May or beginning of June. It will be on Amazon to start. Two other books are in the process, but if you look on you will find lots of new articles. That site is also being revamped as we write so look for many new entities. Again, I offer you the ability to email me for more information on what you write about, but I am guessing you want to remain anonymous. Any reason for that? D.