Thursday, January 8, 2009

To Eat or Not to Eat, Should that be the Question?

As a wellness advocate I make it my business to read all the latest research regarding food and additives. It is a daunting task and requires much investigation and at the end of the day, I clutch at my heart knowing what we are doing to ourselves. Although much research still leaves us confused, there is one thing though that is always real; if your body can't handle something, it will tell you.

People always comment about eating in moderation. I have a saying, "The concept of wellness is an absolute. If something is bad for you, there should be no such thing as 'moderation'." Eating should be for living healthfully, not for entertainment purposes. Across the World, we are the unhealthiest nation, and I believe it is because of our attitude towards food and the concept of moderation.

Is it okay to have a cookie once in a while? Well let's look at that cookie really closely. Is it full of preservatives? Does it have ingredients that make your body have an autoimmune response? Does it change your mood because of the sugar? Does it make you crave even more? No matter how small a cookie is, it is basically a circle of chemicals. If it sabotages your body for even an hour, shouldn't that make you think twice about eating it? If eating is about fuel, why do we fuel ourselves with such junk and call it food?

My mother has three daughters, two of which have constant weight issues. All three of us have autoimmune disorders, learning disabilities, nutrient deficits, and stomach issues since birth. My father died of cancer, my step father has diabetes and high blood pressure, and my nana (my mother's mother) has heart disease. Still with all of these issues in the family, she insists on preparing huge meals with ingredients she knows are unhealthy. She relates her loving people with feeding them, but she doesn't realize that loving them is hurting their bodies. No matter what I say, it has no effect. She believes food is harmless.

Our entire nation has to change their atttitude about eating. We can't keep going with our heads stuck in the sand on the topic of food. We all have to take our bodies seriously, most especially because the government allows such junk to be put into them. When it comes to what we eat, it should be wholesome, it should come from the Earth, it should only enhance our body, mind, and soul, and it should make us happy because it is good for us. When we finally decide that being deprived of life is more important than being deprived of a cookie, we will thrive as individuals and then as a nation.

Some might question my right to scold America for their eating habits, but can I offer this explanation? I am the one that is called on almost every day to help a child with a mood disorder, or type two diabetes. I sit with young women while they have chemo injected into their veins. I am the one who drives people to get their six month CAT scan to see if their cancer is indeed in remission or if it has returned. I am the one who has written countless eulogies and poems for loved ones who have passed on.

To those of you who refuse to believe that food plays an intricate part in sickness and wellness: I can't fight with you, I can't plead with you, I can't reason with you right now, but one day you will be coming to me for advice after being diagnosed, and when you do, I will be there without judgment, holding your hand and helping you heal. And when you are ready, I will teach you to honor yourself and that incredible human body of yours, hopefully before it is too late. D.


Anonymous said...

this could not be more true. The vast majority of us indulge out of ignorance because we do not take the time to study what we eat and how it affects us. I know that when I omit or add certain foods from my diet it clearly affects how I feel and perform.

Donna said...

Dear Anonymous,
Do you have any specific stories to share? Also, what convinced you of this? I am always struggling to find the right verbiage to explain the food/mood connection to people. Would you believe, kids get it much faster than adults. Any advice you can offer would be great. D.

Anonymous said...

well certainly eliminating added sugars of any kind actually helped me be more calm. I found it easier to control emotions in day to day stuff and family & kids. i notice also that the more protein rich my diet is the more regular my digestion is.

Donna said...

I know that deal. Sugar ran my life for many years. I am happy for you and hope you keep telling everyone how food can effect more than weight. Thanks for your comments! D.

Anonymous said...

how come there are no postings or new writings on your site?