Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year/New Attitude

The days are getting longer, the nights shorter. Something to look forward to this time of year. It is also the time of new hope and beginnings. Hopefully everyone has made resolutions, but is this the year you are going to keep them?

I usually keep my promises to myself, but I have to confess, I only make promises I know I can keep. Maybe that is the secret to self growth; know yourself and the way you operate. Don't try to change the core of who you are, but instead, work harder to change your old belief systems.

Promise to be open to change and you have already changed. Yes, it is that simple! Try new things, don't say no immediately to new challenges, instead think about reasons to say yes, and try to keep your body as nourished as possible. A clean body denotes a clear head.

One of my biggest lessons in life was in understanding that tomorrow is not always a good time to do things. Today is better because tomorrow you will have more excuses and besides, tomorrow becomes today eventually, so why not just do it already!

Good luck and let me know if you need my help. D.

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