Yesterday I woke up to this beautiful song playing on my radio alarm clock. It stuck in my head and an hour later when I picked an Angel Card for my daily “inspiration,” the SIGNALS card flipped over. “Look for the songs” it said so I did. I found the tune on YouTube and really listened to the words.
Although some of us may not have a special someone to love, we always carry the energy of the person we are supposed to be with. The right partner does not just pop up and out of the cabbage patch the day you actually meet them. They are living beings waiting for you as well.
In order to bring in the partner that is your perfect match though, you need to become ready. I always say, “If I want a great guy, I’ve got to be a great girl!” What I mean by that is: If we want someone who is wonderful and has all the qualities we desire, we need to become as wonderful for them, or there will be an imbalance, and they won’t be “attracted” to us. Like energy attracts itself. If we don’t become what we need to be, we will bring in people and relationships that will carry lessons we need to learn from in order to grow. Instead of continuously bringing in more lessons, we need to hold onto the energy and qualities of the one we want to attract, and then build ourselves, our persona and our bodies to match the vibration that person carries.
Listen to Chicago’s song and think about the man or woman you want to bring in. Don’t put a face on this person. Leave that open for the Universe to decide. You might think you know who you want, but you can’t possibly know the best partner for you. Trust that when you put out your intention for your best mate, there is a higher power at work. You only need to imagine yourself in a loving relationship with your perfect match and that higher power will provide the ways and means to bring him or her in. Listen for the SIGNALS. Get ready by becoming the best you can be. Become inspired by the person you desire! Believe you deserve this person and they will come. It is your destiny.
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