Is There a Reason We Are Surrounded By Water?
Negativity, like an untruth, resonates from our bodies. We are all connected by the same energy and give off vibrations that can be felt by one another. I have a theory that this activity is done through our fluid. I HAVE NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TO PROVE THIS! But hear me out anyway. One day, I was watching a show about dolphins and how they can communicate with each other from miles away. I started to think, could it be that humans are just like dolphins, but that water works for us from the inside out instead of the outside in?
After asking this question, I came upon the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know.” (A great view if you can follow it. I have watched it about 16 times and still can’t absorb it all.) There was a segment in the film expressing the opinions of a scientist named Masaru Emoto. He believed that water could be manipulated by negative and positive energy so he went on a mission to prove it. In the movie, he showed how he could write positive messages, like “I love you” on a glass holding plain, ordinary water. Then by freezing the water, he could capture and photograph its crystallized molecules. He also did this using negative phrases and words like “I hate you” to prove there would be a disparity among the crystals.
The results were amazing! Water crystals formed by the positive phrases were beautiful and distinct, almost forming their own language. Conversely, the negative phrases produced ugly, ill-shaped, almost non-existent crystals. The outcome astounded me and made me realize just how on track I may have been hypothesizing about water as a communication tool. Mr. Emoto truly believes that water has intelligence, and why should we doubt this? Is it too hard to believe that we may be the less intelligent life form on Earth? Aren’t we consummated in water, then spend nine months surrounded by amniotic fluid? We are made up of over 80% liquid. We need it to survive. In fact, the only substance that trumps water is air. We emote with water through tears of joy and sorrow. When you think about it, why would we have the need to cry? We can lubricate our eyes without actually creating emotion. Ever think that crying is water’s way of saying, “Here I am, emotionally expressing myself!” Okay, this sounds flaky, but do we really understand all there is to know about our bodies and how they communicate with one another or for that matter, the Earth?
After viewing this movie, I started to relate how we resonate energy, how I always know when someone is lying and how I “feel and sense” untruths even when I don’t know any circumstances. Although I may be more in tune with these sensations than most, EVERYONE can feel lies. It may come across as discomfort, mistrust, or maybe even just a question mark in your head, but it is there. When we tell or hear an untruth, it is no different than the ugly words Mr. Emoto wrote on the water glasses. Our bodies will react, and then our minds will kick in and possibly come up with a scenario to match the emotion we are feeling. Most often, we negatively manipulate those emotions into more drama that may not be based on reality at all … and so the saga continues, over and over and over again.
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