Is it my imagination or is the energy a little crazy lately? I have heard so many stories of behavior from people that doesn't make any sense at all. Could it be that the economy and fear of our future is getting the best of us?
Just a reminder; no matter what is going on in the World, you still have control over how you feel about it. Now is not the time to panic! The more level headed we are, the clearer we will see solutions to immediate issues. Worrying about the future helps nothing. Instead, plan.
There is another issue that many of us are not aware of. When we have anxiety, fear, or anger that stems from issues that seem out of our control, we do many things to help compensate. One of them is to self medicate with food and drink. The more emotions we feel, the more we tend to reach for the carbs. The more carbs we eat, the more sluggish we become which makes us even more anxiety ridden and less likely to exercise or think straight.
If you want to save money and clear your head, now is the best time to stop behaviors that don't help you anyway. Habits like cigarettes, drinking, candy, junk food, soda, expensive coffees, etc. are great ways to save money, your body, and clear your head.
Moods are generated from many instigators, not necessarily real issues. Remember that when you are anxiety ridden, angry or fearful of where America is headed. If we all become pro-active in our destiny, we can create change. NOW WILL YOU FINALLY TRY YOGA?! There isn't a better stress buster and you don't have to spend money. Rent a DVD from your library to get started. Grab a neighbor, friend, or family member and just walk. While going through my divorce many years ago, I walked every single night with opera music playing in my headset. Not only did I get through that stressful time with grace, I had the best butt of my life!
Go back to basics. Find your spirituality again. Meditate and if you don't know how, learn. Stop buying expensive junk food and go out to dinner less. Clean out your closet and find all the clothes you can refurbish for yourself or donate them. Invite a friend in need over to dinner. If you really want to feel better about your life, donate some time at a nursing home. Be thankful and have gratitude that the World is changing. Yes, I said have gratitude. If we don't feel desperate, we won't create change. So much of what is going on is necessary or we would never have stopped our behavior.
I don't profess to have the answers to our World issues. But I do have hope and gratitude and love and that makes me happy to get up in the morning. Spread your goodness and watch it catch on. Have a happy holiday! Love to you and yours, D.
Girl, you have some funky long toes and flat feet and some weird calves. If that's what you get by doing yoga I'm glad my girl works out at the gym.
Hello to Barry,
Sorry you must have caught a really bad picture of me because my feet are actually very nice in person.
Thank you for the comment though because you helped me make my point about the full moon.
Signed, long toes
You obviously have never seen Donna in person. I don't know what image you are referring to, but I can assure you that there is nothing even remotely funky or weird about any part of her. She's a very beautiful woman - inside and out - head to toe(s).
Obviously you have never seen Donna in person because if you had you notice that her toes are cute as hell, her feet are sexy as hell, and her calves are contest calves. Maybe you need to put people down to feel better about yourself. If that is the case might I suggest you stop using that as a defense mechanism it will only continue to bring you down not up.
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