Friday, February 8, 2008

Excerpt from Positive Manipulation on Losing Love

On the topic of the ending of relationships (under the Talk to Me blog), here is an excerpt from one of the Positive Manipulation books that I wanted to share with everyone. It explains one reason why we attract people into our lives. Please don't take it as glib because it does not express the deep longing that comes with love, (remember it is taken out of context) but it does briefly explain why we sometimes only share a short time with a love interest.

Excerpt from Positive Manipulation: In reference to the Law of Attraction
Negative incidents definitely allow for growth, but be aware of people that seem to come in and out of your life. They do so in my case with great frequency. My theory is that since energy attracts like energy, it may be as if others sense my constant state of evolution and when they have the desire to create change in their lives they are drawn to the energy I exude, and vice versa. As fast as they come in, however, they seem to leave, perhaps for a breather, or maybe because we used each other’s energy to move beyond our current limitations to find our own way.

In the past, I considered losing this exchange of "love" energy as a cause of great sorrow, but I have come to accept this as normal human behavior and now welcome the growth that comes from it. I can acknowledge that we were placed on the same path because we had the same lessons to learn or the right energy to help each other on our journeys. I also acknowledge that it may only be for a short leg of the journey, and not the duration.

It is not easy to welcome losses, so instead, we need to change our minds about how we look upon losing love and accept a break up because it was more likely a lesson and not a permanent love placed in our lives. That can make it easier to let go of the pain associated with heart break, whether it was a friendship or lover. The best saying I can offer is what was told to me time and again; "Don't look at it (break up) as rejection. It could be protection!" As long as you hold onto that thought moving forward, you keep your positive energy flowing and that will attract more love and friendship aimed toward your highest good.


Anonymous said...


You have changed my life and I am forever grateful. You are a true "Earth Angel"

Please never stop doing what you are doing as I know you can help millions the same way you have helped me.

I now have a more positive outlook and am excited about what is to come.

I highly recommend to any and all who live and breathe as I know that anyone who reads your work will come away inspired, and will go back for more!

Donna said...

WOW! Cheddybear, Thank you so much for the recommendation! As much as I would like to take credit though for your new direction, you were the one who made the decision to change, you were the one who took the time to read and you were the one who believed in yourself and your ability to change. Without all of that, my writing is just words on a page.

So many people would rather turn a blind eye and not see where they need to grow. They get stuck, some feeling hopeless, others lay blame on others or incident. Congratulations to you for deciding to take control and manipulate!

Now you have to take it to the next level and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! When you are filled with so much positive power, you become an example and can actually teach others to enlist their own power. Please keep in touch and tell me how I can help in the future. Thank you so much for taking the time to write. Now you are my Earth Angel!